This setting depends upon the source data being read. 这个设置取决于所读取的源数据。
The source data remains under the control of the source systems and is pulled on demand for federated access. 源数据仍然在源系统的控制之下,会根据需要进行提取,以进行联合访问。
What are the field specifications of the source data ( field name, type, data length)? 源数据的字段规格是什么(字段名、类型、数据长度)?
Real-time access to distributed data that is frequently changing: Addressing this scenario with data consolidation requires frequent movement and consolidation of the source data. 对频繁更改的分布式数据的实时访问:使用数据整合处理这种场景,需要对源数据进行频繁的移动和整合。
Since the data federation pattern does not create copies of source data, source changes do not have to be propagated or processed in this approach. 由于数据联合模式并不会创建源数据的副本,因此源更改并不一定要采用这种方法进行传播或处理。
Describe their location, systems, access approaches, source data traffic and update frequency, data security, and data quality. 描述其位置、系统、访问方法、源数据流通和更新频率、数据安全性和数据质量。
You may also identify and evaluate source data reengineering recommendations as a result of requirements validation. 作为需求验证的结果,您还可能指定和评估源数据重组(reengineering)建议。
You can collect the data models by re-engineering and integrating source data models. 您可以通过重新构建和集成源数据模型来收集数据模型。
The business view provides a layer to the information in the source data so that it is easier to build reports. 业务视图对元数据中的信息提供了一层,这样构建报告就变得更加容易。
During this activity the ( pre-processed) source data is migrated following the steps outlined in the migration plan. 在这项活动期间,(预处理的)源数据按照移植计划中所勾画出来的步骤被移植。
Otherwise, it would be time-consuming to map each data entry from one source data system to another. 否则,将每个数据条目从一个源数据系统映射到另一个源数据系统将非常耗时。
The extract request generates a detailed report about the extracted source data. 提取请求生成一个关于提取的源数据的详细报告。
A DB2 stored procedure, which allows you to manipulate source data before it is applied to the nickname. DB2存储过程,在应用到别名之前,它允许您操纵源数据。
There are two main open source data binding APIs for use with SWT. 有两个主要的开源数据绑定API用于与SWT结合使用。
During this activity the source data is analyzed and the subset of the data that need to be migrated is identified. 在这项活动期间,被分析的源数据和需要被移植的数据子集被识别出来。
Structured source data collected by operational systems on patients, medical claims, and providers was fed through extract, transform, load ( ETL) processes into the data warehouse. 业务系统收集的结构化源数据关于患者、医疗索赔和供应商通过提取、转换、加载(ETL)流程输入数据仓库。
A common solution is data reduction, whereby the source data is reduced to require less physical space. 一个常见的解决方案就是数据简缩,即通过减少源数据来降低物理空间需求。
After the source data is processed, the target portlet triggers an action and displays the results. 在源数据成功传递之后,目标portlet就会激发一次操作并显示出结果。
In many situations, problems are uncovered in early analysis of source data, or later in the design and implementation of a data transformation process. 在很多情形下,问题是在源数据的早期分析中或稍后在数据转换过程的设计和实现中发现的。
Finally, there are implicit conditions automatically applied on transform connected to source data which is optional. 最后,还会对连接到源数据(可选的)的转换自动应用隐含的条件。
If the source data is not consolidated then this should be checked. 如果源数据不全面,那么这个选项应该选中。
If the source data is being used at the same granularity as the underlying table this should remain unchecked. 如果源数据与底层表作为相同粒度级别使用,那么这个选项应该是不选中的。
The target domain is identified as well as the mapping between the source data; and the target data is also defined. 被识别的还有目标域和它同源数据之间的映射关系;还将定义目标数据。
The basic matrix example shows how to create a simple two-dimensional viewer when source data is embedded in the code. 基本矩阵样例演示了如何创建一个简单的二维矩阵查看器,它的源数据嵌在代码中。
Which source data items are available and which are not? 哪些源数据项可用,哪些不可用?
This analysis determines whether or not the target model can be fulfilled with existing source data and whether or not extensive transformations may have to be performed. 该分析确定现有的源数据是否能完成目标模型,以及是否需要执行大量的转换。
You might need to construct the source data models by using reverse engineering techniques, developing Entity and Relation ( ER) models from existing source databases. 您可能需要通过使用逆向工程(reverseengineering)技术构造源数据模型,从而从现有的源数据库中开发实体和关系(EntityandRelation,ER)模型。
When you select a menu item, the corresponding target is invoked, and the source data is transferred to it. 当您选择一个菜单项时,相应的目标就会被激活,而源数据就会传递给它了。
Source data is being loaded into member attributes, but is then consumed through visualizing the information as entities. 源数据被载入成员属性,但之后却是通过将信息可视化为实体被使用的。
Inconsistent rules are applied to the source data 对源数据应用了不一致的规则